Deliverables and Publications from the Ways of Knowing Urban Ecologies project (2011-2016)
Below follows the deliverables from the grant I lead from Swedish Formas: Ways of Knowing Urban Ecologies (WOK-UE; Dnr: 250-2010-1372) between 2011 to 2016. This is not an exhaustive list as it doesn’t include contributions from all project members. If you like to have PDF-copies most can be downloaded from the authors’, Mendeley or ResearchGate home pages. You can also contact PI H Ernstson at his e-mail address here.
A. Peer-reviewed publications (not exhaustive list)
A1. Publications from WOK-UE* (2011-2016)
- 2012
- Comanagement at the fringes: Examining stakeholder perspectives at Macassar Dunes, Cape Town, South Africa—at the intersection of high biodiversity, urban poverty, and inequality. Ecology and Society, 17(3).
- by Marnie Graham, M and Henrik Ernstson (2012). *
- Beyond the food desert: Finding ways to speak about urban food security in South Africa. Geografiska Annaler B 94 (2):141-159
- by Jane Battersby (2012)
- Comanagement at the fringes: Examining stakeholder perspectives at Macassar Dunes, Cape Town, South Africa—at the intersection of high biodiversity, urban poverty, and inequality. Ecology and Society, 17(3).
- 2013
- Re-translating nature in post-apartheid Cape Town: The material semiotics of people and plants at Bottom Road. In: Actor-Network Theory for Development (June), 1–35. Retrieved from
- by Henrik Ernstson (2013)*
- Situating Ecologies and Re-distributing Expertise: The Material Semiotics of People and Plants at Bottom Road, Cape Town (pp. 1–20). Retrieved from
- by *Henrik Ernstson (2013). *
- Ecosystem services as technology of globalization: On articulating values in urban nature. Ecological Economics, 86, 274–284.
- by *Henrik Ernstson and Sverker Sörlin (2013).
- Urban green commons: Insights on urban common property systems. Global Environmental Change, 23(5), 1039–1051.
- by *Colding, J., Barthel, S., Bendt, P., Snep, R., van der Knaap, W., & Henrik Ernstson (2013).
- Re-translating nature in post-apartheid Cape Town: The material semiotics of people and plants at Bottom Road. In: Actor-Network Theory for Development (June), 1–35. Retrieved from
- 2014
- Conceptual Vectors of African Urbanism: ‘Engaged Theory-Making’ and ‘Platforms of Engagement.’ Regional Studies 48 (9): 1563–77.
- by Henrik Ernstson, Mary Lawhon, and James Duminy. 2014.*
- Provincializing Urban Political Ecology: Towards a Situated UPE Through African Urbanism. Antipode, 46(2), 497–516.
- by Mary Lawhon, Henrik Ernstson and Jonathan SIlver (2014).
- Situated, networked environmentalisms: a case for environmental theory from the South. Geography Compass.
- by Mary Lawhon (2014). *
- Local sustainability and the politics of scale: Rethinking governance and justice in an era of political and environmental change. Environment and Planning C.
- by Mary Lawhon, and Zarina Patel. 2014
- Industrial nature, Chapter in Anna Storm’s monograph Post-Industrial Landscape Scars (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan).
- Anna Storm 2014
- Conceptual Vectors of African Urbanism: ‘Engaged Theory-Making’ and ‘Platforms of Engagement.’ Regional Studies 48 (9): 1563–77.
- 2015
- Everyday human (in)securities in protected urban nature: Collaborative conservation at Macassar/Wolfgat Dunes Nature Reserves. Geoforum 64: 25-36
- by Marnie Graham (2015) *
- Postcolonial nature conservation in practice: The everyday challenges of on-ground urban nature conservation, Cape Town, South Africa. GeoJournal(Aug):1-20
- by Marnie Graham (2015) *
- Food and Green Space in Cities: A Resilience Lens on Gardens and Urban Environmental Movements. Urban Studies, 1–18.
- by Stephan Barthel, John Parker and Henrik Ernstson. (2013, re-published 2015).*
- Everyday human (in)securities in protected urban nature: Collaborative conservation at Macassar/Wolfgat Dunes Nature Reserves. Geoforum 64: 25-36
- 2016
- Food insecurity amongst urban households in Fukido-Parr, S. & Taylor, V. (Eds.) “Food Security in South Africa”, Juta Press, Cape Town.
- by Jane Battersby 2016
- Food insecurity amongst urban households in Fukido-Parr, S. & Taylor, V. (Eds.) “Food Security in South Africa”, Juta Press, Cape Town.
A1.1. EDITED BOOK from WOK-UE (with publication date after the project’s ended)
- Grounding Urban Natures: Histories and Futures of Urban Ecologies. Full manuscript submitted to MIT Press in March 2017. edited by Henrik Ernstson and Sverker Sverker
- Chapter 1: Ernstson, Henrik, and Sverker Sörlin. n.d. “Toward Comparative Environmental Urbanism: Political Ecologies in a ‘World of Cities.’”
- Chapter 2: Lewis, Joshua. n.d. “The Disappearing River: Desires and Infrastructure of Neworleanian Ecologies.”
- Chapter 6: Àvila, Martìn, and Henrik Ernstson. n.d. “Realms of Exposure: Design and Speculation with More-than-Human Political Moments.”
- Chapter 13: Ernstson, Henrik, and Sverker Sörlin. n.d. “Grounding and Worlding Urban Natures: Attempt at Configuring a New Urban Ecology Knowledge.”
A1.2. PhD thesis from WOK-UE
- PhD thesis: Graham, Marnie (2015) Postcolonial Nature Conservation and Collaboration in Urban Protected Areas. Stockholm University
A1.3. Film or other audio-visual media
- Documentary Film. Title: One Table Two Elephants: Ways of Knowing Urban Natures (First Cut). Sweden: Conference Contribution, Urban Beyond Measure: Registering the Urban Environments of the Global South, Stanford University, 8-9 May 2015. Funded by Formas as Information Project (2014-15). A finalized version will be ready in 2016, textad på engelska och svenska. Mer information:
- by Jacob von Heland and Henrik Ernstson (2015)
B. Book reviews and other academic publications
- Book Review. Greening Berlin: The Co-Production of Science, Politics, and Urban Nature. Science and Technology Studies, 27(1), 113–116. *Ernstson, H. (2014).
- The meaning of global engagements with Africa (for us). Review of: “Britain and African under Blair”, by Julia Gallagher; “The New Scramble for Africa”, by Padraig Carmody, and “Africa’s Moment”, by Jean-Michel Severino and Olivier Ray. Political Geography. *Lawhon, Mary. 2015
- Why I want to be a South African geographer: A response to Hammett’s “W(h)ither South African Geography?” Geoforum(editorial) *Lawhon, Mary. (2015).
- Review of “Economies of Recycling” Economic Geography *Lawhon, Mary (2015).
C. Conference papers
- Global South Urbanism and Situated Ecologies: Location, Translation and Epistemological Politics.” 1. Situated Ecologies Working Series. Stockholm and Cape Town. Ernstson, Henrik. 2016. “
- Tracing the Political in ‘the Local’—crafting a Translation Device from Cape Town to Paris and Four Interventions for Atelier D’architecture Autogéneré.” Cape Town. Ernstson, Henrik. 2014. “
- Keynote address: Urban food security in Africa, 4th AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference, Berlin, 1-3 November 2012 *#Battersby, J. (2012)
- Urban food security and the urban food policy gap, Strategies to Overcome Poverty and Inequality: Towards Carnegie 3 Conference, Cape Town 3-7 September 2012 *#Battersby, J. (2012)
- Urban food security and climate change, 17th Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessments, South African Affiliate, Somerset West, 27-29 August 2012 (Organised special session on food and climate change in cities) *#Battersby, J. (2012)
- Is local still lekker? The viability of the Philippi Horticultural Area, Society of South African Geographers 9th Biennial Conference, Cape Town 21-21 June 2012. *Battersby, J. (2012)
- Urban food security: Some policy implications, Right to Food Seminar, Cape Town, 30-31 May 2012 *#Battersby, J. (2012)
- For the good of the city? Competing visions for the Philippi Horticultural Area, Cape Town, South Africa, Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, New York, 24-28 February 2012 *Battersby, J. (2012)
- (Several more to be added…)
D. Reports for public, civil society and government sectors
- Vlei Breathing. Vlei Living. A report on Princess Vlei as History, Ecology, and Struggle at Cape Flats (p. 20). Cape Town. *Ernstson, H. (2012).
- The Political Nature of Urban Wetlands: Speaking from Princess Vlei Wetland, Cape Town.” Urban Wetlands: South Asia. Ernstson, H. 2014. “
- Doing a Co-Tutelle PhD… What does that mean?” Thesis Whisperer, December 2. Graham, M. S. Suchet-Pearson, and H. Ernstson. 2015.
- Series of Op-Ed articles in Cape Town and South African newspapers on Phillippi Horticulture Area and on Urban Food Security. Battersby J. and Haysom Gareth (2012-2013)
- Short Policy Report: Philippi Horticultural Area. Cape Town: AFSUN and Rooftops Canada Abri International Battersby J and Haysom G (2012)
- Long Policy Report: Philippi Horticultural Area: A City Asset Or Potential Development Node? African Food Security Urban Network, African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town Battersby J and Haysom G (2012)
- Four Page Flier: Philippi Horticultural Area (well-distributed among civil society organisations) Battersby J. and Haysom Gareth(2012)
- Urban Food Security Op Ed (with JC) *Battersby J. 2013
E. Conferences where results have been presented
- *AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference, Berlin, 1-3 November 2012 (J Battersby)
- *AAG 2013 (Special session organized and several members giving individual presentations)
- *RGS 2013 (Special session organized and several members giving individual presentations)
- *DOPE 2012 (Several members giving individual presentations)
- *DOPE 2014 (Special session organized and several members giving individual presentations)
- PLAAS Centenary Land Act Conference March 2013 (J Battersby)
- (Several more to be added…)
F. External workshops
- *Workshop at Univ of Manchester on Waste and Transitions 2012 (M Lawhon participated)
- *Grounding Urban Natures workshop, October 2012 in Cape Town
- *Grounding Urban Natures workshop, June 2013 in Stockholm
- *Invited speaker at “Large-scale energy projects: a view from society. An interdisciplinary workshop on energy and society for emerging scholars. Södertörn University 24-25 April 2014. A Storm
- *Co-organizer of “The Future of the Commons: Interfaces of Nature and Culture”, workshop at Södertörn University 6-7 February 2014. A Storm.
G. Internal workshops and peer-organised workshops
- WOK-UE inception workshop, September 2011 in Cape Town
- WOK-UE workshop with Anna Storm, April 2012 in Cape Town
- WOK-UE Comparative approach workshop, October 2012 in Cape Town
- WOK-UE Writing retreat, Feb 2013
H. Public engagements and media, to be added.
- Selection of blog posts and concept notes, mostly published at
- Ernstson, Henrik. 2014. “Pluralizing or Provincializing Urban Political Ecology? [In a World of Cities].” Situated Urban Political Ecologies Commentaries.
- Ernstson, Henrik. 2013. “Staging Difference at Princess Vlei. ‘You Can Bet They Struck a Deal at the vlei’ (Part 1).” Situated Urban Political Ecologies Commentaries.
- Ernstson, Henrik. 2012. “How to Protect Urban Green Spaces for Food Production ? From Urban Movements to Private Trusts . A Concept Note .,” no. November.
- Ernstson, Henrik. 2011. “Making Capetonian Urban Nature Public : Recognizing the Restoration Project at Princess Vlei beyond Its Immediate Locality,” 1–8.
- Ernstson, Henrik. 2011. “Concept Note on the Organization Cape Flats Wetland Forum ( CFWF ).”
- Several more could be added.