#COP21. Follow ClimateJustice.org instead of mainstream media: "We are not fighting for nature. We are nature defending itself."
Follow this blog for updates from #ParisCOP21 instead of (only) mainstream media.
What is clearly needed is an inclusive radicalisation of the climate justice movement. This is inspiring:
The COP21 UN climate summit is just opening in Paris. Manifestations of 'the Mesh' — austerity-dictating politicians, fossil fuel corporations, industry lobbyists, peddlers of false solutions and greenwashers – are converging to solve the climate catastrophe. Or so they tell us. [...]
A climate justice movement is rising (even faster than the temperatures and sea levels!) and Paris will be a world stage where we, people power, raise the curtain on the smoke and mirrors of false corporate promises and pierce through the Mesh's hold on us.
We are the foxes that wake up at dawn, the mushrooms that appear overnight.
We are microbes and mountains, starfish and stardust.
We are not fighting for nature.
We are nature defending itself.
Today they report on that police (what they call The Blue Team) has arrested key organizers. But they also report on the various activities that are contributing to the decentralised mobilisation platform they call "the Climate Games" riffing on the TV series.
"We are overwhelmed by the response of more than 220 imaginative, cheeky, mysterious team registrations. There are teams promising magic spells such as the Fairy-Tale Creatures Club whilst others such as the Green Deal Abuja fighting frontline struggles against the destruction of the Ogoni lands by oil and gas corporations in Nigeria. We have Beatzar promising rebellious dancing and we suspect that La brigade anti sommeil ("anti sleep brigade") might be making some noise, what the erisian peoples (and non-peoples) inclusive liberation front (aerial catering squad) will deliver we can only imagine."