Urban Ecology as Science, Culture and Power — A PhD course in Stockholm, 10-14 June. RSVP 31 April.
How can we understand urban ecology? This PhD course provides participants with an overview of, and engagement with, various theoretical perspectives, debates and research practices that have energized the discussions around urban ecology, urban ecosystems, and urban sustainability during the last 10-15 years.
The course will be given in Stockholm 10-14 June, 2013. To sign up, please follow this link with up-to-date course information: http://bit.ly/courseurbecolsciculpower. The course is a collaboration between the African Centre for Cities, Stockholm Resilience Centre and the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory. Read more in the links below and download the full description as pdf here.
Apart from lectures and discussion seminars lead by Dr. Henrik Ernstson, with assistance from Joshua Lewis and Professor Sverker Sörlin, participants will furthermore be part of a workshop on an international book project called the Histories and Futures of Contested Urban Natures and have the chance to meet and engage with top-scholars coming to Stockholm, including Amita Baviskar (India), Richard Walker (USA), Lance van Sittert (South Africa), and James Evans (UK).
This will enrich the course greatly, with talks and case studies that will question how ‘urban nature’ is talked about, used and reworked towards a ‘wordling of urban nature’, de-centering its EuroAmerican academic origins.
The course takes one week, with the book workshop presentations during Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and lectures and discussion seminars during Monday, Tuesday and Friday.
This interdisciplinary course is given as a collaboration between the African Centre for Cities at the University of Cape Town, the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory, and the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University. There are no fees but students need to secure their own travel and accommodation costs.
The course gives 4 credits and is supported through grants received by Formas, STINT and KTH.
If you are interested, send an email with a two-page letter of interest describing your PhD research project and your interest in the course to course administrator Susanne Lidström (suslid[!at!]kth.se) before 31 April, 2013. Based on these letters, a selection will be made and confirmation sent out.
Download the full description as pdf here.