Princess Vlei—Map of Proposed Shopping Centre

My work is partly about tracing networks of people and things that are assembled to articulate certain values for how to use urban space. Especially images like the ones here starts circulate when space is contested. Images as articulators of values. 

Below is the proposed plan of building a shopping centre at Princess Vlei. The relations that stabilizes this type of articulation rests on larger circuits of capital through the big clothing, sports, café and food stores that will occupy space within these buildings—or else there would not be a case to build it. This is one of the many contrasts to the civic-led rehabilitation project "Dressing of the Princess" that has been ongoing for years and that claim the same space as the shopping centre. The struggle of what to do with this space is still ongoing.

What type of socionature is this imaginary projecting? What social relations lies behind its making?
What discourses in society legitimizes this as a rational socionature? 

This image shows the extent of building plans above. The
light blue area to the right is the shopping centre plan. The grey
area to the left is the lake Princess Vlei. The wetland is the
ecosystem relationships that spins in and through the
water body, its shoreline and its surrounding area. This
image is taken from The Bottom Sanctuary website.
