Recent articles... and from 2011 and 2010

As I recently wrote, I was just on a road-trip through South Africa and presented some of my work. I was asked to send some of my articles and manuscripts, and I thought I add that list here as well.

1. Re-translating nature in post-apartheid Cape Town. 
This was the basic paper underlying my talk on Bottom Road and Princess Vlei.

2. Articulating values in urban nature - ecosystem services as technology of globalization. 
This was mentioned in the end. A critque of ecosystem services as a tool for governance. Summarizes critique raised towards ESS.

3. The social production of ecosystem services: environmental justice and ecological complexity in urbanized landscapes
This paper stays within the conceptual apparatus of ecosystem services to discuss environmental justice.

4. Conceptual vectors of African urbanism
If you are interested in the new literature that tries to re-theorize the city based on African experience, read this as an introduction perhaps. 

5. Transformative collective action
On collective action, social network analysis, ecosystem management and protecting urban park areas in Stockholm

6. Scale-crossing brokers and network governance of urban ecosystem services: the case of Stockholm
On governance and social networks, trying to find governance arrangement that support both learning and more centralized collective action. Empirical material from Stockholm.

7. Urban transitions: on urban resilience and human-dominated landscapes
An article on urban resilience with material from New Orleans, Phoenix, and Cape Town.

I also have a blog and Twitter 
In Rhizomia 
And more publications from me you can find on my Mendeley site - 
