Important website 'Urban Africa' !! Check out.

This is just to notify that there is a really good and new website - Urban Africa - that aims to cover, report, and gather material on the 'last wave of urbanization' that happens throughout the African Continent. The website is set up by Urban LandMark and the African Centre for Cities at University of Cape Town.

They write on the website:
The Urban Africa website - a portal for progressive
debates about African urbanism and knowledge sharing.
The Urban Africa knowledge portal is a project of the Urban Wiki Board, funded by Urban LandMark and executed by African Centre for Cities. It is designed to be a digital entry point for knowledge sharing, interactive exchange and information dissemination on urbanisation in Africa. It aims to create an unprecedented knowledge bridge between African scholars, policy makers, urban practitioners and various other actors involved in trying to understand the impacts of urbanisation on the continent.
A key objective of Urban Africa is the mainstreaming of progressive debates on African urbanism through the stimulation of a dynamic online community, constituted by a diverse range of actors, dedicated to the topic of African urbanisation.

Also check out CityScapes - the magazine on similar issue - that I have blogged about before.
