
Showing posts from 2011

Stabilizing Collectives in the Study of Transformation: Instead of "key-individuals"

African Urbanism and Urban Movements of the Global South

"The 'decaffeinated' other": Zizek again at Al Jazeera on climate change, tolerance, and the post-political

Zizek interviewed by Al Jazeera on world protests and Occupy Wall Street

CityScapes - new magazine on African urbanism and city-living in the global south

Erik Swyngedouw on "Designing the Post-Political City and the Insurgent Polis"

*New Article* The social web of water governance - using SNA

NASEBERRY - join a community using network analysis in social-ecological studies

On cities, super-linearity, and ontological politics

Prehistoric social networks - publication from Science

Chantal Mouffe on democratic hegemony

Transformative Collective Action - using social movement theory to study change in ecosystem management